IQ.CASH: The Masternodes Cryptocurrency for Investors, Traders & Miners

Кирил Каруб
6 min readMay 14, 2020


Blockchain is being known the world today, blockchain technology has the potential to provide a much faster and cheaper alternative to traditional cross-border payments methods.

Today i will be discussing about IQ CASH project. How was your review in this project? Could anybody know about this project already? Will let me introduce you the good benefits of this project and how it was totally work.


This is the IQ CASH product that design to be the leading platform, design for investors and miners. The platform that provides you a wide investment and passsive income that could make you gain a high profit in it.

Seeing this example above can get us an attention to study the flow of this project. But of course there is already a product in this project for the assurance of every investors and miners that could possibly come to it.

Honestly i am interested in this project even if im not a bigtime investor.

I have more important discussion about this project on how you can make a profit 300–400% without living your house. Of course to make that profit you need to have a certain amount of IQ CASH in order to be qualified. Here is the breakdown what you need to do,

• Purchase 3,000 IQ or better 3,001 as 1 will be spent on the transaction commission

• Pay the hosting provider service fee at Flits. It will cost you EUR 1.99 per month

• Download the Flits App (Android or IOS) for the mobile device

• Put 3,001 IQ into the wallet and create a MasterNode server and a deposit

• Open an coin wallet in the app

Profits of IQ CASH will be split into proportion of 57% and 43% between MasterNode (server with deposit) owners and miners accordingly. Additional 6% DAO is reserved to be either shared with people helping to develop the project or to simply dissolve once a month.

Another important information regarding the masternode. Anybody knows about masternode? What is the masternode? A masternode also known as bonded validator systems, masternodes are a series of servers that underpin a blockchain’s network. They are responsible for enabling specific services that miners under proof of work cannot accomplish.

Why is it IQ CASH using masternode? To elaborate the assistant server which let coin to operate the payments inside the blockchain system. To create such a server, the owner must ‘rent’ it from the hoster. Its cost might vary from US $1 to US $4 per month. You must have a 3,000 IQ deposit to make the investment work. The deposit will be blocked by the system, so starting this very moment the system is adding the commission for your assistance to the project which can be spent or used to create new deposits and servers. One server and one deposit form a MasterNode.

For the IQ CASH masternode requirements

• 3000 IQ on balance

• availability of a dedicated IP-address;

• availability of uninterrupted operation of the system 24/7 (network loss must not exceed 30–60min).


• ​Download latest version of wallet from releases for your OS —

• Make sure you have a little more than 3000 IQ in your balance. It can just be 3100 IQ. ​Pay exactly 3000 IQ to yourself. When you make transaction you pay a small fee, this is the reason you need a little more than 3000 IQ

• ​Go to ​File -> Receiving Addresses
• Click on “New” and give label name, something like “my_masternode” and click “Ok”.
Right click the created address and chose “copy”.
• ​On your main window go to “Send” tab. Paste the copied address to address box. Type 3000 for “Amount” box. Do not select “Subtract fee from amount” checkbox. Send the coin.

Now it will take some time until this transaction is confirmed (minimum 15 confirmations).

• ​Login to your VPS server under any user ​with root or sudo privileges.​
You can use​​ ​or ​​​ for connection

VPS providers:

Run the installing script file

curl -sL | sudo -E bash -

Note: Now it will take some time. Wait until the following is printed to the console: “Masternode installed!”. It will also print masternode key and masternode.conf string. Save it somewhere, you will use that later. For example:

• Let’s see if your 3000 IQ transaction to yourself has been confirmed (​minimum 15 confirmations).
• On your desktop wallet, go to ​Tools->Debug Console. I​n text box below run the following command

masternode outputs

It should print something like this:

“256842fn36e2cba66ab277fc9e3c51d2df1ed35e79442a3d01fbf8ee67ko76aw”: “1

This is the transaction that would be used to keep masternode aknowledged by IQ network. Long part — is a transaction id. Short number — is a transaction index. Copy them too, you will use them shortly.

Note: Keep those two values without quotes (“).

• Go to ​Tools -> Masternode configuration file.​It will open your masternode.config file. It’s needed for starting and tracking your masternode remotely.

• Paste here prepared masternode.conf string that we’ve received on step 3.2.

•​ Replace INPUTTX with long transaction id, and INPUTINDEX with short transaction index that we’ve kept on

• Click “Save” and close this config.

mn1 93HaYBVUCYjEMeeH1Y4sBGLALQZE1Yc1K64xiqgX37tGBDQL8Xg 2bcd3c84c84f87eaa86e4e56834c92927a07f9e18718810b92e0d0324456a67c 0

• Go to ​Settings -> Options -> Wallet​ and enable “Show Masternodes Tab”.

•​ Restart the wallet.

•​ I​mportant!
Wait for wallet finish syncing. There must be no “out of sync” or “synchronizing masternodes” messages. It could take a couple of minutes.
Only then follow.

• Go to “Masternodes” tab. You should see your masternode. Select it and run “Start alias”.

You’ve broadcasted your masternode to the I​QCASH ​network.
Now it would go into state PRE_ENABLED, and after some time become ENABLED.
If so, you are all set. Your masternode will start getting rewards in about few hours.

If after 40min your masternode wouldn’t become ENABLED, try doing 4.9 again and wait until it goes ENABLED. If this wouldn’t help, feel free to ask our support for some advice.

For the flits masternode application the guide are already provided with this link


For me I can say that IQ CASH project
can match with current ROI platform out there. I trust the man who developed this project or invented one important masternode also being part of a newly blockchain V SYSTEMS, I think they can have potential users and also partners in crypto industry provided that they can march in terms of technical capabilities those huge platforms. I’m not advising you to invest but giving you some worthy projects that has potential to be great in the future.




Bitcointalk username: kirilkarub

Bitcointalk profile:;u=2638537


